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April 22, 2024

We are looking for a Philanthropic Development Coordinator

The Board of the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital Foundation (FHVS) wishes to hire a coordinator to organize and manage the Foundation's activities.

Anyone interested in applying for this job should be aware of the general mandate that determines the responsibilities, skills, requirements, and qualifications needed to complete this task.

The nomination period is from Monday, April 22 to Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 3 pm.

The people selected by the committee will be contacted on Friday 17 May in the afternoon to obtain a selection appointment between 22 May and 24 May 2024.

The FHVS selection committee will contact the selected person in the week of May 27, 2024 and the file will be submitted to the Board on June 4 for approval by resolution.

The Selection Committee

The documents must be sent by email to

General mandate

Fondation Hôpital Vaudreuil-Soulanges is looking for a philanthropic development coordinator. This person will contribute to the achievement of the organization's goals and numerous projects. In this context, she will be responsible for the organization of events, the Foundation's communications, as well as philanthropic development. She will participate in the promotion and influence of the Foundation.

Under the responsibility of the board of directors, the person responsible will have the following responsibilities:

Donation Management

- Develop plans and strategies aimed at philanthropic development and the retention of corporate donors;

- Use your network of contacts to identify business opportunities;

- Actively contribute to the identification of internal and external prospects of the Foundation, to the planning of solicitation strategies and to the solicitation itself-

Likewise, as well as to the development and evaluation of solicitation and recognition tools;

- Draft memoranda of understanding and recognition of partners and ensure their follow-up and application.

 Business Management 

- Develop and ensure the organization of benefit events for the Foundation, including the Wine Fair, the Benefit Dinner, etc.;

- Establish, maintain and supervise the network of volunteers and financial partners;

- Ensure the logistical and administrative aspects of the events for which he/she is responsible;

- Develop partnership and visibility plans for each project and search for sponsors;

- Develop the implementation schedule, technical follow-up and budget monitoring.

 Communications Management

- Develop a schedule for the distribution of social media publications;

- Manage and maintain and ensure the regular updating of all social media platforms;

- Participate in the development and writing of effective communication tools (e.g. press release);

- Write and develop the content of solicitation letters, annual reports, etc.;

- Any other related tasks.

 Skills and requirements

- Have an excellent ability to organize and prioritize;

- Demonstrate speed and efficiency;

- Demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness and dynamism;

- Have solid skills to influence those around them;

- Demonstrate versatility and be able to perform several tasks simultaneously;

- Demonstrate a willingness to work in a team;

- Demonstrate a positive attitude;

- Be orderly;

- Be results-oriented.

- Demonstrate a willingness to work in a team;

- Demonstrate a positive attitude;

- Be orderly;

- Be results-oriented.

 Qualifications and requirements

- Undergraduate university degree in a discipline considered relevant;

- More than 5 years of experience in philanthropic development and project management;

- Have a well-established network of companies and managers;

- Significant experience in fundraising;

- Excellent interpersonal skills and developed political sense;

- Very good command of the French language, both orally and in writing, and excellent writing skills;

- Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office suite software;

- Ease with social media;

- Knowledge of Zeffy or another CRM like ProDon is an asset;

- Available for networking activities outside of business hours.

Working conditions, according to contractual principles for employees of the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital Foundation (FHVS):

- Flexible schedule of 35 hours/week;

- Competitive salary, based on experience;

- 13 holidays per year;

- Start of employment: as soon as possible.

 - Interested persons should send a cover letter and curriculum vitae.

- By email:

- Nomination period: from April 18 to May 16, 2024 at 15:00.

Achievement 2024
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Wine lounge
The wine fair is an annual event that raises funds for the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital Foundation.
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