A future hospital better adapted to the next pandemic!

Building an airplane in mid-flight. A time-honored comparison, illustrating the challenges and perils of the COVID-19 pandemic for the healthcare system. In Montéregie-Ouest, a team is still working with both feet on the ground to build a new aircraft capable of dealing with any turbulence: the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital.
Vincent Veilleux is the director of this $1.5 billion project at the CISSS de la Montéregie-Ouest. Its team is made up of 25 professionals, including 6 nurses.
The vast majority [of these] went to lend a hand on the ground during the pandemic, he says. They provided care to patients who had COVID-19. We were able to draw on the experience of these people, who are gradually returning to their usual roles on the project team.
Read the full article from August 4, 2020, by Marie-Eve Cousineau from Le Devoir: A future hospital better adapted to the next pandemic







