Project for a new hospital — Preparatory work kicks off

Project for a new hospital in Vaudreuil-Soulanges — Preparatory work kicks off

The Minister of Health and Social Services, Christian Dubé, as well as the minister responsible for the Montérégie region, Simon Jolin-Barrette, and the Deputy for Soulanges, Marilyne Picard, are launching today the preparatory work for the construction of the new hospital that will serve the Vaudreuil-Soulanges sector, on the territory of the Montéregie-Ouest Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CSSC). ISSS) .This initial work aims to prepare the site that will host the hospital, which will be located in Vaudreuil-Dorion, at 2140, Boulevard de la Cité-des- Young people. The work includes the relocation of Belle Plage stream, the decontamination of the site of the former gas station, the demolition of a barn and the development of temporary access roads and storm retention basins. This first preparatory stage on the site represents an investment of 10.6 million.
The future hospital in a nutshell
Capacity of 404 beds
A block of 11 operating rooms
An emergency with a capacity of 41 stretchers
Estimated cost of the project: $1.7 billion
Estimated start of work: February 2022
Delivery: autumn 2026







