Future hospital in Vaudreuil: the MRC is banging its fist

Future hospital in Vaudreuil: the MRC is banging its fist
By Marie-Laure Josselin | To reach me
Thursday, June 13, 2013 at 5:42 p.m.
“It's not a local whim, but a real necessity for the region! Let Quebec speak out.” The cry of the heart comes from the prefect of the MRC of Vaudreuil-Soulanges. Robert Sauvé, like the mayors of his MRC, is eagerly waiting for Quebec to choose the location of the future hospital, which is scheduled to open in 2018. The region is one of the only ones in Canada with a population of more than 100,000 citizens without a hospital. As a result, the surrounding hospitals are overloaded, and more and more citizens are going to seek treatment in Ontario.
Last March, the Minister of Health and Social Services, Réjean Hébert, committed to choosing the land for the month of April, but since then, still nothing.
The MRC said it had done its homework and identified a site, in Vaudreuil-Dorion, near the highways (20, 30 and 40). For its part, the government assures that it intends to make a choice quickly, by the end of July. “We are very aware of the needs of the region in terms of care and services, explains Ariane Lareau, the minister's press secretary. Once we have selected a site, we are aware that we will have taken an important step.”
If Minister Réjean Hébert does not come by July, the mayors of the MRC indicate that they will go see him, supported by a petition already signed by 43,000 people.
Topics: Public health
Locations: Vaudreuil-Dorion







