Health news in Vaudreuil-Soulanges

Since the recent structural changes in the Ministry of Health and Social Services, which led to the creation of the Integrated Health and Social Services Centers (CISSS) and the disappearance of the CSSS de Vaudreuil-

Soulanges, the Fondation du CSSS de Vaudreuil-Soulanges had to change its name.
We also had to change our objects to respond to the arrival of a hospital in Vaudreuil-Soulanges,” explains Denis Lapointe. Following the announcement of the acquisition of land for the future hospital, the first step in the realization of the project, it was necessary to change the approach to better meet the mission. “We have begun the procedures to request new additional letters patent in order to change our name and our objects. Thus, starting at the end of October 2016, we became the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital Foundation (FCHVS),” says Denis Lapointe proudly. In order to monitor the development of the hospital, the Foundation's board of directors has integrated a representative from CISSSMO, in order to create a direct link with health leaders in the region and the ministry. Publicizing the foundation “With the arrival of the hospital, one of the Foundation's objectives is to make itself public by engaging a greater number of citizens in working for the hospital.
Members of the organizing committee.
For the vocation of our hospital to be regional, we need a representation of citizens that takes into account our large territory and each of its sectors. In addition to working for the establishment of a hospital, our Foundation has adopted a broader and inclusive mission, that of improving health in Vaudreuil-Soulanges,” indicates Denis Lapointe.
A file that is progressing
In the current phase of setting up the hospital, representatives of the Foundation, as well as elected officials from Vaudreuil-Soulanges are meeting to monitor the progress of the file. On Monday, November 28, a meeting was held with the Minister of Health, Gaétan Barrette, the deputies Lucie Charlebois and Marie-Claude Nichols, the prefect of the MRC and the mayors of Vaudreuil-Dorion and Saint-Lazare. “This meeting allowed us to take stock of the progress of the file. The clinical plan, the first step in the implementation process, should be submitted in spring 2017. Other interministerial meetings are planned in January to clarify certain points in the file,” assures Denis Lapointe. As the minister said, the hospital is a priority, but he states that in order to carry out a major infrastructure project, such as a hospital, it is necessary to respect a process that may seem long, but essential, in order to avoid mistakes.
Source: VIVA media Health news in Vaudreuil-Soulanges
Date: January 11, 2017







