Our vision

Committed to improving health care, the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital Foundation has been working for a healthier community since 2009.


1) Support organizations that work in health services:

  • - To improve the living conditions of the citizens of Vaudreuil-Soulanges;
  • - To support health professionals by facilitating the acquisition of certain materials;
  • - For patients to be the center of concerns.

2) Facilitate the recruitment of volunteer labour:

  • - To support some of our customers;
  • - To support staff in their tasks;
  • - To organize activities, projects;
  • - To contribute to the success of solicitation campaigns.

3) Collect monetary contributions:

  • - To improve health needs;
  • - To enable the advancement of research;
  • - To ensure the development of our staff;
  • - To fill the lack of resources.


Modern medicine requires us to constantly review the functioning and effectiveness of procedures, in order to adapt to new hospital practices. Ensure that hospital health personnel can offer patients adequate and efficient services, thus contributing to improving the quality of life and health conditions of the population of Vaudreuil-Soulanges.

Our values

Fondation Hôpital Vaudreuil-Soulanges - FHVS - Valeurs - Icons - Solidarité


The Foundation is jointly committed to promoting teamwork in which all partners will be important.

Fondation Hôpital Vaudreuil-Soulanges - FHVS - Valeurs - Icons - Transparence


The Foundation will be transparent in all of its management and decision-making processes. It will respect the established rules and be completely open to its partners.

Fondation Hôpital Vaudreuil-Soulanges - FHVS - Valeurs - Icons - Egalité


Our volunteers will be able to participate, in the same way as all partners, in The Foundation's decision-making process.

Fondation Hôpital Vaudreuil-Soulanges - FHVS - Valeurs - Icons - Imputabilité


Anyone committed or involved in the well-being of The Foundation will have to account for their accountability.

Fondation Hôpital Vaudreuil-Soulanges - FHVS - Valeurs - Icons - Respect


The Foundation will ensure that each person is respected in the role they play.

The objectives of the Foundation

Objective 1

FHVS - Illustration objectif 1
Support the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital in its mission to offer health services to its population.

Objective 2

FHVS - Illustration objectif 2
Receive donations, bequests and other similar contributions in money, securities or real estate, and administer such gifts, bequests and contributions.

Objective 3

FHVS - Illustration objectif 3
Organize subscription campaigns in order to raise funds for charitable purposes to improve the health of citizens.
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