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October 8, 2014

Minister Barrette: A hospital yes. Where and when?

Posted by Yanick Michaud

Date: October 07, 2014

In: News, Vedette

Dr. Gaétan Barrette

It seems that Minister Barrette will be back in the region shortly for announcements concerning dates and where the hospital will be erected. (Photo by Myriam Frenette)

“You need a hospital and you will have a hospital.”

Ambulatory center — Expected for weeks, if not months in Vaudreuil-Soulanges, the Minister of Health and Social Services, Gaétan Barrette was welcomed with passion on Monday morning in Vaudreuil-Dorion. He came to inaugurate the new premises of the local community services center (CLSC) in Vaudreuil-Dorion, the Center for Health and Social Services (CSSS) in Vaudreuil-Soulanges and the Center for Ambulatory Services.

However, it was for the announcement of the hospital that the Liberal MP for La Pinière was roundly applauded by many elected officials and members of the citizens' committee for a hospital in Vaudreuil-Soulanges. “It is no longer a question of whether you will have a hospital. It's knowing when and especially where”, launched the minister, who was accompanied for the occasion by two of his colleagues. The Minister Responsible for Rehabilitation, Youth Protection and Public Health and Deputy for Soulanges, Lucie Charlebois, as well as the Deputy for Vaudreuil, Marie-Claude Nichols, welcomed the reception of this announcement. “We are following the Ministry when Minister Barrette is absent. When he is present, we follow him. The current file will eventually fill a great need. In the meantime, we have access to the Ambulatory Services Center and I am delighted,” said Lucie Charlebois.

Numerous specialists

“This reorganization will in particular have the effect of improving access to the services offered by bringing them together in the same place. It will also improve their overall quality through more optimal use of space,” said Minister Barrette.

In addition to the two CLSCs in the region, which were moved there in order to optimize their services, especially those in the psychosocial and mental health sectors, the building will gradually welcome numerous new outpatient services that will be added to the pediatric, physiatrical and gynecologist-obstetric services that have already been offered since the center opened. In fact, during the fall, endoscopy, internal medicine, cardiology, cardiology, general and orthopedic surgery, urology, ENT, pneumology and neurology services will gradually be offered on site.

“It's a big day for a large part of the population of Montérégie. This new service point, in addition to the new hospital project, which is well under way, shows that our government is taking concrete actions to support our region,” said Lucie Charlebois.

For her part, Marie-Claude Nichols, MP for Vaudreuil, wanted to add: “I am delighted with the success of this project, which actually represents a major gain for the people of Vaudreuil and the surrounding area. A very wide range of specialized health services will be offered here, close to the people of our region.”

Tags: The Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital invites the population, Hospital yes, Minister Barrette, When, Vaudreuil-Soulanges.

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