Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital: the first patient expected in 2026

Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital: the first patient expected in 2026 Posted by Steve Sauvé Date: October 17, 2018In: Headlines, News The future Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital is a $1.5 billion project that should provide 404 short-term hospital beds. (Photo Gallery) The Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital project, which is a major one, should be able to welcome its first patients in 2026. The start of construction work, scheduled for 2022, will be the result of complex and arduous preparation. On October 16, more than 120 people came to hear the main actors in this project to comment on its development, during a dinner conference at the Besner Sugar Shack in Coteau-du-Lac.
(Eve-Emmanuelle Céré) This event, organized by the Association des gens d'affaires de Soulanges in conjunction with the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Chamber of Commerce and Industry, featured four speakers directly involved in the project, including Yves Masse, President and CEO of the CISSS de la Montéregie-Ouest, who wanted to highlight, in the early evening, how real and active the hospital project is.. In progress in recent years, hospital planning has made progress in recent months, particularly in terms of expropriation and zoning of the land concerned. Michelle Harvey, Deputy General Manager, Support, Administration and Performance, emphasized the importance of not cutting corners: “It is important to do things in a respectful way with the people involved and that each step is done correctly.” She also mentioned that the process of acquiring the site, located at the junction of Highway 30 and Route 340, is currently underway and should be completed no later than December.

Sébastien Toussaint, Medical Advisor at the direction of the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital Project, was able to draw up an excellent portrait of the future services that will be offered at the new hospital, the creation of which will benefit not only the growing population of Vaudreuil-Soulanges but also the entire region, as several services will support the needs of the CISSS de la Montéregie-Ouest. “Mother-child and pediatric inpatient units. will be created at the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital. There will also be new surgical activities such as plastic, vascular and bariatric surgery. Some specialties that require specialized expertise will also be grouped together within the Hôpital du Surooît or Anna-Laberge.”, he mentioned.
The new hospital will have 56 functional units. Vincent Veilleux, Director of the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital Project, explained the titanic work of physically forming the hospital plan so that the locations of the units are ideal. “We need to study the potential movements of patients and staff between units in order to offer an optimal plan. It is a colossal organizational work that requires a very large team.”, he emphasized. Share
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