
The investments made by the Foundation in health institutions in Vaudreuil-Soulanges.

Concrete achievements


Coût : 11 997.69$
Coût : 3 815.81$
Coût : 10 284.40$
Coût : 10 531.80$

Achat de jeux et matériel occupationnel pour les préposés aux bénéficiaires œuvrant au Soutien à Domicile (SAD) pour offrir un temps de qualité aux usagers tout en offrant une stimulation cognitive et un maintien des capacités résiduelles.

Coût : 2 259.39$

Achat de matériel et installation d'une buanderie au CHSLD de Rigaud (pour les résidents).

Coût : 2 259.39$

Achat de table d'examen pour la clinique CLIMATS du CLSC et Centre de services ambulatoires de Vaudreuil-Dorion.

Coût : 2 225.37$

Depuis plusieurs années, les résidents des CHSLD Laurent Bergevin et Coteau-du-Lac bénéficient de la zoothérapie, de cadeaux lors de la fête de Noël ainsi que de la musique aux chambres.

Réalisations à venir...

Coût : 4 836.94$
Cost: $11,997.69
Cost: $3 815.81
Cost: $10,284.40
Cost: $10,531.80


Cost: $4,000.00
Cost: $4,836.94

Donation for financial support to nurses at the international level when they arrive in our region in April, while waiting to receive financial support from the Government of Quebec during their development at Cégep de Valleyfield.

Cost: $2,259.39

Purchase of one (1) positive displacement pump for the 1st line of the outpatient nursing clinic at the CLSC in St-Polycarpe.

Cost: $2,259.39

Purchase of one (1) exam table for school nurses working at St-Zotique high school.

Cost: $2,225.37

Purchase of one (1) geriatric chair, one (1) standing lever and three (3) canvases, one (1) mobile patient lift and installation and three (3) canvases for the training room for beneficiary attendants from Africa and hired by the CISSSMO.

Cost: $12,089.81

Donation for emergency aid funds for newcomers hired by the CISSSMO. Program in partnership with two other foundations (Surooît and Anna Laberge), each foundation will provide $7,500,000 per year for three years.

Cost: $9,760.22

Purchase of one (1) volumetric pump for the first line of the ambulatory nursing clinic at the CLSC de Rigaud.

Purchase of therapeutic equipment (38) for people staying in RI-RTF in Vaudreuil-Soulanges.

Acquisition of one (1) stationary bed with mattress for the training of auxiliary nurses.

Purchase of one (1) positive displacement pump for the first line of the ambulatory nursing clinic at the CLSC Vaudreuil-Dorion.

Purchase of one (1) exam table for school nurses working at Vaudreuil-Dorion high school.

Purchase of four (4) electric levers and four (4) double canvases, for the training room for auxiliary nurses from Africa and hired by the CISSSMO.


Cost: $2,688.84
Cost: $11,997.69

Purchase of a pressure monitor with a mobile base, a digital scale and an examination table for the integrated specialized geriatric clinic of the Department of Home and Geriatric Support Services (DSSADG), based at the CLSC in Vaudreuil-Dorion.

Cost: $3 815.81

Purchase of a first-line multiparametric device for the Ambulatory Nursing Clinic (CASI) at the CLSC in St-Polycarpe.

Cost: $10,284.40

Purchase of an ultrasound bladder scan for the CHSLD of Coteau-du-Lac.

Cost: $10,531.80

Purchase of a bladder scan with carrying case for the SAD of the CLSC de Vaudreuil-Dorion.

Purchase of two first-line multiparametric devices for the Ambulatory Nursing Clinic (CASI) at the CLSC Vaudreuil-Dorion.

Purchase of a first-line multiparametric device for the Ambulatory Nursing Clinic (CASI) at the CLSC de Rigaud.

Purchase of an endovaginal probe for the CLIMATS youth clinic at the CLSC in Vaudreuil-Dorion.

Purchase of an ultrasound bladder volume evaluation device for the CHSLD Laurent-Bergevin.

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